How to make website and blog become no.1 in google - trick 1

1.please go into your blog account. Then go to the page layout  > edit html (for bloggers)
2. Pay attention on column Edit template   on that page and find HTML tag bellows :
3. Change the HTML code become  <title><data:blog.title/></title>
4. consider again the html code, insert a few keywords of the blog as below 
By combining the title or name of the blog and then followed by some of the keywords that we are included, then the keyword  will be stronger because it's supported by the title.Another important element that should also exist in each page of a blog to support the SEO(Search Engine optimization) is to insert meta keywords and meta descriptions. 
<meta content='your blog description ' name='description'/>
<meta content='your blog keywords' name='keywords'/>
Both of them are put among <head> and </head> or bellow  <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

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