How to make website and blog become no.1 in google - trick 2

SEO technic can be divided into 2 part namely OnPage and OffPage. OnPageSEO is done by setting from inside the website/blog, for example maximize keyword and description in order to make it easier to find in search engine. While offPage SEO   utilze space outside of the blog, for example by listing or sharing the link/banner. This way is felt the most efective to increase popularity of a blog.

Basic Technic of Optimizing SEO OnPage
Some basic principles to optimize SEO by OnPafe is :
1. arrange meta HTML, for example make a proper corelation  among keyword, description, and content.
2. attention the title of the article everytime we post it. Title of the article is very influential on the search process in search engine.
3. Attention every word in the article. we can do SEO with emphasis on the word OnPafe which is nearly equal to the keywords that we have.
4. Giving the unique code on some HTML tag.
5. Insert keyword on the picture that we upload

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